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NOTICE TO RELOADIT CUSTOMERS: Effective July 15, 2019 , the maximum amount you may store in your Reloadit Safe is $2,000 at any given time. Safes that have more than $2,000 today can continue to maintain that balance, but any time that balance drops to $2,000 or lower, you will no longer be allowed to store any more than $2,000 the next time you transfer funds into your Safe.

NOTICE TO RELOADIT CUSTOMERS: Effective June 30, 2020, you will no longer be able to use Reloadit to load funds to your Univision Mastercard Prepaid Card.  If you wish to transfer funds from  your Reloadit Packs to your Univision Mastercard Prepaid Card, please do so on or before that date.

NOTICE TO RELOADIT CUSTOMERS: Scheduled future loads are no longer available, all card loads must use the 'Load a Card' feature. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Protect Yourself and Your Money from Fraud

Reloadit is the convenient pack that makes reloading a wide variety of reloadable prepaid cards a breeze. It offers consumers an easy way to shop online, manage their money, and more. Unfortunately, these packs can also be the target of fraudsters looking to scam innocent consumers. It’s important to be aware of these scams and know what to look for, so you don’t fall victim to fraud.

Tips on Preventing Fraud and Theft

  • Sending money via a Reloadit pack is like sending cash. Never give your Reloadit pack number (10 digit number under the scratcher on the back of your Reloadit pack) to anyone requesting it over the phone or email unless you initiated the contact and feel confident with whom you are speaking.
  • Use good judgment. If you are contacted about an offer or incident that sounds strange, unlikely, or too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Beware of statements that call for immediate action. Requests such as, “you must act now” or “you must provide payment now” are most likely a scam. Most establishments will not ask for immediate payment without previous notifications or an established appeal or payments process.
  • Do your research. If you receive a call asking for immediate payment, hang up the phone and call an independent third party or customer service number to verify the information.
  • When purchasing Reloadit packs; always inspect the pack being purchased and look for tampering of any kind. If tampered, do not use.
  • Inform others. Share this information with friends and family so they do not become victims of fraud. The elderly are common victims, but anyone can fall victim to these fraudsters.

Common Scams

Beware of scams that ask for Reloadit pack numbers, such as:

  • Government agency claiming you owe money for any penalties or back taxes
  • Utility company requiring immediate payment for electricity
  • Law enforcement agency claiming your loved one, such as a grandchild, is in jail and needs to post bail
  • Lottery company claiming you have won a prize and need to pay taxes.

Learn more about these and other scams:

Reporting Fraud

If you have any questions or feel you have fallen victim to fraud involving Reloadit packs, please contact our Customer Service at 1 (888) 633-9434 immediately.

The Reloadit® Pack is issued by Blackhawk Network California, Inc and powered by PayPower®.  Please see the Reloadit Terms and Conditions.